The main features of the products are:

Why Us

We use the simplicity of nature to make our products, keeping our carbon footprint as low as possible, and creating eco-friendly and practical products.

Our Pulp Moulded product range is produced using excellent quality fibrous material from the tree-free natural renewable resources like sugarcane bagasse, processed under strict control and proper guidance of our qualified and experienced professionals to suit the customer needs. The process is Elementary Chlorine Free (ECF) and all additives used are US-FDA approved including additives used for seepage prevention of water and oil. All ingredients used in manufacture of Pulp Products are free from short chain polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).

Our process goes a step further to make these products nature friendly by using recycled water. Rainwater harvesting and STP (sewage treatment plant) are used in our closed loop system to conserve ground water. This also prevents any pollutants from entering the ground water. Manufacturing of one plate uses at least 5 times less water than it takes to wash one crockery plate. Our Paper Products are made from FSC certified paper which is harvested and produced in a responsible manner. All inks and gums are procured from the best international companies having US-FDA approval and EU REACH certified to prevent any leeching of harmful chemicals in food to human consumption.

We have experience in producing paper products for the past 21 years.  We have been producing disposable paper tableware and packaging products which are replacements for single use plastic and practical in design. We have developed paper products for a variety of industries. This experience has helped us in producing aesthetically beautiful, user-friendly, practical, and cost-effective products. To take this line forward and produce 100% biodegradable products we invested in the Sugarcane Bagasse Moulded product manufacturing unit in 2018.  Today we can offer a complete range of disposable tableware and packaging products for any application.


One of the major troubles facing the planet is non-biodegradable waste. Plastics are clogging the oceans and the city’s landfills. We were always on the lookout for a solution to the problem of providing disposable tableware – “without the worry of clogging the environment with plastic and non-biodegradable waste so we invested ourselves in developing biodegradable disposable products made from sugarcane and environmentally friendly pulp and paper.”

At Bioswag our aim is to supply the best quality disposable products with zero negative impact on the environment. We are working towards a sustainable future. Our product range ensures that all human needs are met in a fashion that leaves no or minimal harmful footprint on nature. The quality of our products is such that you can be sure of having a positive impact on the environment by using our products.

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